Monthly Archives: April 2008

Are you going on a summer road trip?

What car is the best choice for you to take on a road trip this summer? We have tested several cars that can be a great choice if you want to pack some tents and even some pet animals. The new Honda CR-V has plenty of space and is cheap in gas. Even if I […]

Dine out can cost you less

Now when the bad economy is all over us we need to find ways to the most of it and try to keep on eating out sometimes to enjoy ourselves. To eat out does not have to cost you a fortune if you follow a few simple advice from us. Use your credit card we […]

Your tax forms need to be posted now

If you read this and have not post your mail to the IRS you are late! It is time to whop down to the post office and send the tax documents away. A few advices on the way Make sure you have money to pay for the envelope and stamp Make sure the post office […]

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