Almost everyone wants to get into college, but you will need financial various expenses through a loan. When you are a student you also probably don have a lot of money to spare so it is also important that the loan comes under lower interest rate so you won’t have problems repaying it. You should do some research with the different banks etc and find the loan that fits perfectly for you. I would however recommend you to get a federal student loan. These kind of loans goes under the category Perkins loans. The good thing about these loans is that they have a low interest rate since they are federal loans. These loans are also made especially for students in need because the student can wait until they have completed their educations before they pay the loan back.
If you however have problems getting a Perking loan, you can try to get a private loan through private lenders. These loans are known as typical college loans and they also offer a very low interest rate. However I still recommend a Perking loan since you can payback after you education is done and they are federal loans and if you want a college loan you parents also needs to involve a lot more and have a very nice credit history.