Here’s a test that will instantly tell you whether or not you are the boss of your money. It is a very easy test just make sure that you answer at once do not hesitate and let the mind wonder away.
1. How many credit cards do you have?
2. What balance does each card have?
3. How much money do you have in all your bank accounts?
4. Do you know how many bank accounts you have?
5. What did you spend your money on today?
6. How much did you spend?
If you did not answer right away or was thinking of something then you are not taking care of your money. If you answer 100 % quick then your money is in safe hands.
For those of you that failed you belong to the other 95 % the once that does not take care of the money. We will teach you on this website how to take care of your money. We will move you up to the 5 % group.
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