Quasar software

Quasar software

Accounting has wax
more and supplementary mixed as have the businesses that extras accounting functions. Fortunately, skillful are various excellent software packages that can help you manage this important function. Quasar is one such package.

All versions of Quasar instance sweeping index controls. In its indeed uncomplicated use, the index atom allows a business owner to track the locations and quantities of all inventory items. Additionally, the inventory capabilities go beyond simple record-keeping. Manufacturers and wholesalers can assemble kits using component items; whenever a kit is assembled, the inventory representing its component items are adjusted accordingly. Items can be grouped into various categories and the groups can be nested many levels deep. Vendor purchase orders can be generated for items whose quantities are below a preset level. Costs and selling prices for items can be set and discounted in a myriad of different ways. Finally, these items can be reported upon to show such things as profits, margins, and sales per item.

Sales and purchasing are in addition knack of Quasar. Customer quotes can be soft converted to invoices to be paid. Promotions can be created and discounts can be given based on date, customer, or cookery location. Margins can be reported upon for individuality selfsame as individual items, individual customers, or individual salesperson. Likewise, a purchase order can be created and converted to a vendor invoice, which can be paid in a number of different ways, including printing a check. Quasar can keep track of miscellaneous fees such as container deposits, freight charges, and franchise fees.

The rational parent of Quasar’s user interface allows for expeditive and accessible break entry. Some programs you may strike are not optimized for keyboard use. These programs hurting for you to move your hand to the mouse to select frequently needed options. While some of Quasar’s menu options are only mouse-accessible, the bulk of Quasar’s user interface is designed in such a way that you can keep you hands on the keyboard by using special shortcuts. This allows for faster data entry, which can save time (and therefore money) in the long run.

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