Make sure your virus program is real

Make sure your virus program is real

Make sure you have a virus program on your computer and make sure that virus program really is a good virus program. Many free virus program and even paid once like Microsoft Virus program does not top the 95 % list. That means they do not take away all viruses that attacks your computer daily.

Some virus program can even hurt you by telling you that some file is infected but it is really not and you spend hours or days deleting the file. In some worst case scenarios people have erased the hard drive in panic loosing many working hours.

According to the best virus programs are

1.Trustport (99,64 %)
2.Avira (99,45 %)
3.AVK (99,31 %)
4.Symantec (98,80 %)
5.Kaspersky (98,46)

The free program avast also come on the top 95 % list.

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