Manage Private Bank Account Service

If I were making money by investing it before earned, I would like to do renting business. I want to have a several house and then rent them out for other people to stay, in this case I will have money to spend for my whole life without doing anything. It’s a great idea since I see many people do this. I have known one American guy, he came to Thailand and own several houses and rent them out for other people. Now he doesn’t have to do anything just earn money from the rents and he lives likes a king in Thailand until now.

If I have luxury life like that, I would have to have the manage private banking accounts service with Northern trust which I already suggest to my American friend, so he will know exactly where the money goes and comes, in this case he will not afraid that he will bankrupt himself by spending too much and makes sure that money comes to his account every month. I love it and want to have something cool like that in my life soon.

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