Replace the sale script with a real conversation

Replace the sale script with a real conversation

Sales scripts are not always a good thing and your customers find out very fast that you are a seller and with that they will blow you off. I will now tell you about another approach that works better then any script and gives it all a more natural feeling.

First of all you should not put pressure on the person to say yes and try not to talk like you want to sell him something. You should also always present your products with the truth, never lie and say they get something more then they actually do this will only backfire at yourself.

A great opening line for a conversation could for example be “Hi, my name is Ben, and we haven’t met yet”. As you see this is not a typical seller line and it will disarm your target for putting you in the seller group. Then keep talking in this form don’t actually talk like this “Hi I am calling from UBC and now we have a crazy discount extra bonus for you on 30% bla bla bla” do you know what I mean? Keep it easy and simple and be a friend with the customer.

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